
How do we pick just 20 from the hundreds of world class locations around the world?

Glad you asked.

“There’s a big chunk of personal preference involved, of course,” explains Dwayne Barlow, Global Premier Football League (GPFL) founder. “I mean, where I would like to watch football plays a big part because this my thing. But we’ve also taken some specialist advice.”

The 2021 World’s Best Cities list was a great place to start, continue and, almost finish. “There was some excellent info in this report and, if anything, it reinforced what we initially thought about a number of our prospective locations. Go through the first 20-plus cities on the list and you can be assured a fair few of them will be in the mix.”

But it won’t stop there. “We have to make sure we get a natural global spread of locations for our clubs, while also taking into consideration important aspects such as football culture and sporting infrastructure,” said Barlow.

“We think we’ve come up with a pretty solid group for our 20 GPFL locations. It’s a great mix and covers off everything we’re looking for. You’ll have to wait for a little while until we make our announcements, however, as there’s a fair bit of work still to be done. It’s exciting, though, and I can’t wait for everyone to find out where we’ll be headed.”


So far, so good as we reveal our cities

In the meantime, the GPFL platforms have started to be active. “We’re currently running through an #AtoZChallenge on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This is basically a tease – throwing out a city each day for 26 days and asking if it’ll make the cut,” says Barlow.

Following the #AtoZChallenge the GPFL will get down to business, announcing the 20 cities that will host a club. “We’ll then launch the names our clubs, along with their logos and their playing kit.

“This will keep us busy for the next little while. Hopefully it will also create a bit of a buzz around the Global Premier Football League, too. We’re always on the lookout for partners and funders who share our interests.”

Barlow can be contacted HERE.

Which cities will make the Global Premier Football League cut?

We're on the hunt for 20 global cities for football teams. Here are 60, from across the globe. Which of these will host a club?