Final 40

The 2023 World’s Best Cities list has just been published by Resonance, a leading global advisor on placemaking, branding and marketing for the world’s best cities, districts, developments and destinations.

It’s a fascinating study with a heap of depth and reasoning behind their choices. It’s timely, as we close in on naming the 20 cities that will have the honour to host one of the inaugural Global Premier Football League clubs.

Chris Fair, President and CEO of Resonance Consultancy gave a summary of his organisation’s work in the report’s introduction. “As leading advisors in tourism, real estate and economic development for 15 years, our team at Resonance has conducted extensive research on the rise of cities, the key trends propelling their growth and the factors that shape our perception of urban centers as desirable places to live, visit and invest.

“Of course the pandemic upended our cities as a whole and, for many of us, changed what we consider to be desirable in a place to live, work or play. Much has been written about the declining populations in some of the world’s largest and most iconic cities. New York, San Francisco, Athens, Chicago and Rome have lost hundreds of thousands of residents since 2020. Is this the end of cities?

“Far from it.”


The Top 10

These are the ten World’s Best Cities, according to Resonance. Do you agree?

  1. London
  2. Paris
  3. New York
  4. Tokyo
  5. Dubai
  6. Barcelona
  7. Rome
  8. Madrid
  9. Singapore
  10. Amsterdam


Final GPFL Cities

On November 19, 2022, the eve of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, we will reveal the FINAL 20 Global Premier Football League cities – who will each host a club.

Which cities will make the cut? Will your favourite be involved? Excited?


Building interest

The GPFL platforms are active. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.

The Global Premier Football League team is keen to speak with organisations interested in our concept. “Hopefully, once we’ve built up a bit of buzz around the GPFL, we’ll start to attract some support, build a fan base, then get the attention of people who can help us grow,” explained Barlow. “We’re on the lookout for partners who share our interests and can identify with our vision.”

Barlow can be contacted HERE.